Dimapur Government College

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Report on Sociology Seminar, 1st June 2019

The department of Sociology and the Research Committee of Dimapur Govt. College jointly organized a seminar on the topic “Contextualizing on Use and Abuse of Hazi (Rice beer): A Sociological Perspective” on the 1st of June, 2019 with Lhipe Naro , assistant professor, dept. of Sociology as the resource person.

The presenter began his paper by drawing attention to the use of ‘substances’ and its abuse in the global context. Within this backdrop, hazi or locally brewed rice beer was brought in within the tensions of traditional beliefs and practices and the cultural shifts with the coming of Christianity in Nagaland. Today, its use poses as a problem because it exists even in the face of prohibitions enforced by law.

The seminar was chaired by Hirali Achumi, assistant professor, dept. of Sociology, and was attended by the faculty members of the college. The presentation was followed by a discussion.

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