Dimapur Government College

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DIMAPUR GOVERNMENT COLLEGE JAL SHAKTI TEAM Activity report for 21st – 22nd March 2022

  1. On 21st March 2022, 19 students from Dimapur Government College Boys and Girls Hostel (9 boys and 10 girls) participated in a poster painting competition within the college under the theme, ‘Ground Water-Making the Invisible Visible’, organized by Public Health Engineering Department, Dimapur Division and Act of Kindness Society. Miss AKHANGNUNGLA S, BA 4th semester student was declared as the winner of the competition. She was awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1000 (one thousand) along with a certificate from the organizers.


  1. On 22nd March 2022, 19 students and 2 Teachers participated at a silent rally campaign to witness the World Water Day under the theme ‘Ground Water— Making the Invisible Visible’. All the participants received certificates from the Public Health Engineering Department, Dimapur Division and Act of Kindness Society who jointly organized the event.



Reported by:



Jal Shakti Team (JST)

Dimapur Government College

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