Annual Activity Report (June 2023 – May 2024)
- World Environment Day (5th June 2023)
On the occasion of World Environment Day, 20 volunteers from the NSS Unit of DGC, in collaboration with the Department of EVS, Green Campus Committee, and Yuva Tourism Club of DGC, organized indoor activities on the college premises. The theme of the event was “Beat Plastic Pollution.” Students engaged in activities such as poster-making and crafting pen stands from reusable plastic bottles. Additionally, NSS volunteers planted tree saplings in their respective homes
2. International Yoga Day ( 21st June, 2023)
NSS Units of DGC hosted International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2023, organized by the Department of Youth Resources and Sports in collaboration with NSS Unit DGC. The event, held in the college auditorium, featured demonstrations of various yoga breathing exercises by a professional yoga instructor. Twenty (20) volunteers from DGC and 30 participants from different colleges in Dimapur attended the event.
3. International Youth Day (11th August, 2023)
On 11th August, 2023 the Red Ribbon Club of DGC, in collaboration with the Nagaland AIDS Control Society, organized International Youth Day under the theme “Rise Above HIV: Towards a Sustainable World.” The event aimed to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, its prevention, and the stigma surrounding it. A spoken word competition was held, with 15 RRC members from various colleges in Dimapur participating. The event was attended by 500 participants, including dignitaries, officials, and nodal officers. Moko Koza made a special guest appearance and performed the song “Be Positive,” while the RRC members of DGC presented a special song.
4. Orientation Cum Extempore Speech and Essay Competition (30th August 2023):
On 30th August, 2023 NSS and RRC of DGC organized an orientation session along with an extempore speech and essay competition on the theme “Ribbon of Unity: Uniting in the Fight Against Ignorance Towards HIV/AIDS.” The event, held in the seminar hall of DGC, was attended by 65 students, 13 of whom participated in the competitions.
5. NSS Day Celebration (23rd September 2023)
In commemoration of NSS Day, observed annually on 24th September, NSS DGC organized a social service activity. Volunteers distributed food packets and toiletries to needy individuals in Dimapur. Twenty (20) volunteers and one (1) Programme Officer participated in the event.
6. Cleanliness Drive and Anti-Dengue Social Intervention (30th September 2023)
Along with other clubs and committees, 25 NSS volunteers participated in a cleanliness drive and anti-dengue social intervention organized on the college campus and surrounding areas.
7. Sensitization Workshop on Plastic Management (13th October 2023)
Five (5) NSS and RRC volunteers from DGC attended a sensitization workshop on the management of multilayered plastic and single-use plastic. The workshop was organized by Earth Alliance in collaboration with DOSE, Mumbai Sustainability Centre, Team Better Dimapur, the Department of Urban Development, Government of Nagaland, and Dimapur Municipal Council.
8. ANGCTA Triennial Conference cum National Seminar (9th –10th November 2023)
On 4th November 2023, 30 NSS volunteers from DGC, in collaboration with NCC Cadets of DGC, organized a cleanliness drive in preparation for the All Nagaland Government College Teachers’ Association (ANGCTA) Triennial Conference cum National Seminar, hosted by DGC. During the two-day event, 50 NSS volunteers and 12 team leaders contributed their services.
9. Herbinger Fest (5th February 2024)
Ten (10) NSS volunteers participated in a social work activity organized by DGCSC for the preparation of the first edition of Herbenger Fest 2024 at DGC.
10. Voters’ Awareness Campaign (4th March 2024)
On 4th March 2024 NSS Units of DGC organized a voters’ awareness campaign titled “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye,” with the theme “Vote Shapes Your Future – Vote.”Activities included public interaction, a pledge-taking ceremony, a spoken word competition, slogan writing, a photo booth, and a screening of the movie “Newton.” Three (3) Programme Officers and 200 NSS volunteers and students participated in the event.
11. Plantation Cum Beautification Drive (3rd April 2024)
On 3rd April, 2024 team leaders of the NSS Units of DGC, along with students undertaking Value-Added Course (VAC) NSS from the 4th Semester, conducted a plantation and beautification drive on the college campus. The activities focused on the administrative block and the Bucket Square Garden, where 30 varieties of flowers were planted. The event was attended by three (3) Programme Officers and 91 volunteers.
12. Joint Social Work (6th April 2024)
NSS Units of DGC, in coordination with DGCSC, Dimapur Municipal Council, Oriental Colony Council, and the Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Government of Nagaland, organized a joint social work activity in and around the college campus. One (1) Programme Officer and 25 volunteers participated in the event.
(Ms. Moamongla Aier)
Programme Officer