Dimapur Government College

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Alumni Committee Activity Report 2023-24

Report on Alumni Feedback  2023-24

The Alumni Committee conducted a survey to capture the opinions of the alumni under five important heads. A questionnaire was administered to all the alumni through the Google Docs.

The objective of the feedback was to analyze the importance and relevance of the course, the co-curricular activities in the college, the impact of campus environment on the alumni and also the infrastructure and facilities provided by the college.

2023-24  DGC Alumni feedback analysis

Altogether, there were 21 questions given out to the alumni for answering in a questionnaire mode.It was distributed throughout a Likert scale of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. The alumni respondents had love for their alma mater as 74.2% of the respondents were proud to be an alumnus of the college.

Curriculum and employability

More than 75% of the respondents strongly agree and agree that the courses and curriculum offered in the college as relevant and offer all round development of the students. However, when asked on the focus on employability in the curriculum design, more than 40 % of the respondents answered in neutral and 5% disagreed on this aspect. About 55% agreed on the focus of employability, which therefore signals the college to focus more on employability of the college graduates for a thriving alumnus. The background data of the respondents highlight the high rate of unemployment as 63.5% is on the lookout for a job. 5% is holding government jobs. The self-employed is 9.4% and alumni engaged in private or non-government sector is a little above 24%. Housewives constitute 1.3%

Teaching and learning

More than 80% of the alumni respondents strongly agreed and agree that the teaching learning support is good. 85% of respondents are satisfied with the quality of teaching offered in the college though 15% remained neutral on this question. 75% of the students considers the learning from the college to be beneficial for their careers. A strong 80% considered the atmosphere in the college as conducive for learning. Moreover, the quality of support material of teaching and learning was good for 76%. 84% considered the interaction with the teachers helped to expand their knowledge base. However, 14% of them chose to remain neutral in this aspect while 2.5% disagreed. Even the course duration or semester was sufficient to finish the assigned curriculum as 59.7% and 20.8% agree and strongly agree to this.80% of the respondents said the college played an important role in increasing their level of confidence and 67% of the respondents said the extracurricular activities gave an opportunity to develop their personalities.

Infrastructure, management, library, and information aspects

More than 71% of the respondents agree that the infrastructural developments in the college as appreciable. The college library needs improvement as 79.9% agreed on the need for improvement. Nearly 65% of the respondents said the administrative staff in the college was cooperative, yet 27 % chose to remain neutral to this question and 8% disagreed on this.

Examination and assessment aspects

82% considered the internal results are declared in a timely manner. Though 15.1% remained neutral and 3.8 disagreed. 88% were satisfied with the examination system adopted in the college. 55% of the respondents said college information dissemination system was good but 33% chose to remain neutral and more than 10% disagreed on this.

Alumni aspect

More than 75% agreed that the alumni have a social and corporate responsibility to give back in strengthening the college, though 20% chose to remain neutral and 5% disagreed. While 40% of the respondents said the college involves the alumni in its activities, 42% chose to remain neutral and the remaining 18% disagreed. While, 91% of the respondents said the college should have a proper management policy to strengthen the alumni association.

Action Taken Report

The college sent a feedback form for the alumni in Google form and the following suggestions received, have been looked into and actions taken.

Sl noSuggestionsAction Taken  
1.Development of proper bathrooms and maintenanceConstruction of a modern restroom is ongoing.
2.Administration staff lacking efficiency while disbursing admit Card. Suggested for presence of a teacher to man the smooth functioning.Principal has looked into the matter.
3.Expand LibraryNew Library building is already constructed and inaugurated.
4.More goal- oriented and skill hub for the studentsThe Skill training in various trade initiated under Skill Hub has been initiated. The College is already a Skill- Hub under the Government of India National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) program    
5.Give more importance to financially unstable studentsStudents are selected for admission through entrance test, which is mandatory. The College has a Student Welfare Fund for the financially weak and deserving students ; scholarships   are given under the sponsorship of  faculty members. The DGC Alumni also started a Scholarship for financially weak students which was launched in October 2023 and awarded to selected students.
6.Improve teaching facilities, extra-curricular activities. More ICTs were installed in classrooms to enhance learning and teaching processes. Every Department has Clubs. All these are packed with extra -curricular activities to gain skills and experiences.
7.To introduce digital library, InfrastructureDigital library encompasses many things. However, we have e-resources or digital resources which can be remotely accessed from anywhere.
8.Install degradable and non degradable waste dustbinsUnder Solid Waste Management, waste dustbin for degradable and non-degradable wastes have been placed in all strategic points. Degradable wastes are processed for manuring.
9.Better infrastructure for Arts Block. Provision of better fansThe entire roof and ceiling are soon to be replaced through funds from   PM USHA scheme. New Fans and lighting will also be fixed.
10To conduct PTM for feedback of student progress.  Suggestions have been put forward to the Parent Teacher Association.
11Focus more outdoor study trips.  Each Dept organized field trip every year.  Students assigned Project work and field study .
12  To strengthen support services like Counselling  career guidance and mental health  resources.  Under Career Guidance Committee, Seminars, mock- Interview, hospitality and aviation, culinary trainings, etc. are conducted.
13To facilitate Internship and hands-on experience.  The college will soon start Internship programme which is part of NU syllabus. Under FYUGP 5th semester syllabus, internship paper is compulsory for all the streams.
14To continue the Public Speaking practice in Internal assessment Public speaking practice still continues.
15Organise Alumni Programme, To invite them in some college programmes.Planning.
16Professors to interact with introvert students The college has a Mentor for each student, who render timely advice and guidance.  A Counselling Committee will  also be set up for this.
17To give information and notification in advance.Noted

( Ms. Lily Rino )                                                                     (Prof. Sanjay Sharma)

Convenor                                                                                   Principal

Alumni Committee                                                              Dimapur Govt. College

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