Dimapur Government College

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“ Menstrual Health and Hygiene” sensitization programme held on 28th April 2022 in DGC.

A sensitization programme on Menstrual Health and Hygiene was held on Thursday, 28th of April, 2022 at 12:30 pm in the college auditorium. The much needed programme was organised by the Internal Committee for Protection of Women and Internal Complaint Committee in collaboration with GlobalHunt Foundation.The purpose of the programme was to sensitize the girl […]


As per the Annual Plan of IQAC, DGC, An Interactive session for Graduating Students: A Roadmap after Graduation Programme was conducted by Department of Political Science on 5.5.22 in Room No.1 at 12: noon. 4 teachers and 44 students attended the program. The program was chaired by Bokali Kibami. The first speaker of the program […]

Graduating Students Interactive Programme 2022

The department of economics conducted a Graduating Students Interactive Programme (GSIP) on 5th May, 2022 in Room No 22 at 12:00 noon, Dimapur Government College, Dimapur. Ms. Pudezono Tase, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, DGC chaired the programme. The speakers of the programme were Dr. Vitsosie Vüprü, Dr. Vinyühu Lhoungu and Dr. Yelhi Vero. Dr. […]