Boys Hostel Management Committee
Annual Report (2023-2024)
In the academic session of 2023-2024, the Dimapur Government College Boys Hostel conducted and undertook various activities within the hostel and beyond. For the record, the total strength of the students in the hostel is 71 Boys which is under the constant supervision of Boys Hostel Warden.
Following are some of the programs and activities organized by the Boys Hostelers in the past one year (June 2023 – May 2024):
- Boys Hostel organized a creative event for the Final year students called “Motivational Talk: Developing Leadership Within You” in the month of September 2023. In addition, a debate competition was also organized for the 2nd and 4th Semester students under the supervision of Boys Hostel Warden.
- The Boys Hostellers voluntarily organized a mass social work and cleaned the National Highway behind the Hostel on 24/01/2024. A total of 71 students participated in the social work.

3. Dimapur Government College Boys hostel in collaboration with the Girls Hostel DGC organized two days hostel retreat under the theme “From Fear to Freedom” on 16th and 17th of March 2024. A total of 71 Boys Hostelers participated in the Hostel retreat.

4. To encourage the students in extra cocurricular activities, the Boys Hostel management committee organized the Hostel Sports on 29th and 30th March 2024.

5. To create awareness on the importance of water conservation, the Boys hostellers actively participated in Walkathon in commemoration of world water day on 22nd March 2024 under the theme “Water for Peace” creating ripples for a better future which was organized by the Jal Shakti Team, DGC.

(Mr. Lhipe Naro)
Boys Hostel Management Committee
Dimapur Government College