Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

Community College

About Community College

  • Community college was launched in Dimapur Government College on 20th August 2014.
  • Deputy commissioner Dimapur Smt. Hushili Sema, IAS inaugaurated the one year programme.
  • It is a UGC initiative to facilitate vocational courses along with conventional programmes in the college.
  • The one year programme is Diploma programme in Tourism and hospitality management.
  • The entry point for the programme is class 12 passed graded as level 4 and on completion they shall be placed at level 5.
  • The course structure includes both theoretical and practical component and a higher weightage is placed on the latter.
  • The College has recruited competent faculty to run the course with one coordinator cum faculty and three faculty members.
  • Classes are held five days a week between 12.30- 4.00 p.m.
  • In the first batch twenty four students are enrolled for the programme.

Contact In-Charge


Mobile: 9436882388 / 9654678067

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