Dimapur Government College

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Consolidated Report 2022-23 Psychology

Consolidated Reports for the period June 2022-May 2023

  1. Internal Committee for Persons with Disabilities in collaboration with IQAC and Department of Psychology organised a seminar to observe World Mental Health Day on October 10 ‘2022 under the theme “Make Mental Health and Well-being for All a Global Priority”. The resource person for the seminar was Dr. Rukuoviu from the Department of Psychology, Dimapur Government College. Vivi Swu chaired the program. A short speech was given by the Principal Prof. Sanjay Sharma where he stressed on the importance of mental health in the society and for the students overall. The resource person emphasised on the theme of the seminar, common mental health problems in the society, student’s mental health issues and highlighted on how one can follow the PERMA+ model which is an approach to improve “Happiness” and decrease anxiety, depression, and stress.

               The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Vinyuhu Lhoungu. 40 students and 16 teachers from Dimapur Government College participated in the seminar.

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    2. A total of 37 Psychology 6th semester students visited Prodigal’s home, Dimapur, from 17th march to 24th march 2023 and tutored the children with special needs in their writing, reading reciting, problem solving, and storytelling and supervised their assignment. The students also helped the children in rapport building, art and played game with them. It was an extension service for the students.

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     3. A state level seminar was organized by the Department of Psychology in collaboration with IQAC, Dimapur Government College on the 5th of May 2023 with Dr. Imlisongla Longkumer, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Nagaland University, Meriema Campus, Kohima and Dr. Temsusenla Jamir, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Dimapur government college on the theme “Behavioural and Mental Health Challenges Among Youth: Strategies to Enhance Well-Being”.

        Dr. Imlisongla Longkumer, in her speech explained on the importance of youth’s mental health. Dr. Temsusenla Jamir gave a presentation on the topic “Positive Psychology for Mental Health and Well-being”.

         A total of 80 Students and teachers from Dimapur Government College as well as from various colleges participated in the seminar.

(Dr. Rukuoviu)
Asst. Professor cum Secretary
Department of Psychology


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