Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

Department of Environmental Science- Consolidated Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report (2023 2024)

The Department of EVS in collaboration with the Disaster Management Committee conducted a poster making competition on 23rd April 2024. The competition was on the theme “Disaster Management of Earthquake/Flood/Fire”. 13 participants and 2 teachers attended the competition. Winners of the competition were given cash prizes. The following students were adjusted as winners of the competition-

1st– Y Toshela (2nd Semester)
2nd –  Senkayamger (4th semester)
3rd – Shakwang Konyak (2nd semester)

World Environment Day:

On 5th June 2023, the Department of EVS ,Green Campus Committee, NSS and YUVA tourism club jointly celebrated the World Environment Day on the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution” . A workshop was conducted where activities of recycling plastic was carried  out. 30 students who have completed their exams along with 5 teachers participated in the program. The activities involved making various reusable items with recycled plastics, bottles and paperThe members also participated in a Virtual  Orientation Session for Higher Education Institutions on MeriLife Portal organized by the UGC in commemoration of the day.

(Ms. Selina Walling)
Head, Department of EVS
Dimapur Govt. College

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