Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

Department of Psychology- Consolidated Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Activity Report (June 2023 to May 2024)

10th October, 2023

A mental health awareness state-level seminar was organised by the Department of Psychology in collaboration with IQAC, Dimapur Government College and District Mental Health Programme, Dimapur on October 10, 2023 in the college seminar hall under the theme “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right”. Dr. Rukuoviu, Asst.Prof Department of Psychology delivered the welcome address. Prof. Sanjay Sharma, Principal DGC in his speech highlighted that the lack of awareness and wrong perception on mental health is the root cause for ignoring symptoms of mental issue. Prof. Sanjay Sharma further emphasized that in order to tackle mental health issue specially among college students, a changing scenario is required in the curriculum and therefore value-added courses such as Mental Health and Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence are being offered under FYUP. Resource person Dr.A. Temsuyanger Ao, Psychiatrist, Nodal Officer, District Mental Health Programme, Dimapur spoke on the topic “Psychological state of Mind, Body, Mental illness and Addiction”. According to the resource person, mental health is critically important to everyone and negative stigmas against mental illness should be eradicated. He further elaborated on the different types, symptoms and causes of mental illness such as organic mental illness, neurotic spectrum disorder, psychotic spectrum disorder and addictive spectrum disorder. The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks from Mr.P. Supong Jamir, Associate Prof. Department of History.

18 to 23rd April, 2024

Visit to Prodigal’s Home. The 6th semester psychology students rendered their service to the visually impaired children and students of Tikvah Centre (Inclusive training and Learning Centre) facilitated by and attached to prodigal’s Home from 18th to 23rd April 2024. The students interacted and assisted in their reading, reciting, problem solving, and story telling activities. They also engaged in different activities with them.

(Dr. Temsusenla Jamir)
Head, Department of Psychology, DGC

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