Dimapur Government College

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Dimapur Government College holds Parent- Teacher Meet on 16th September 2023

A parent-teacher meet was organised by Dimapur Government College in the college auditorium on the 16th of September, 2023 to orient the parents and guardians of the first semester students on the Four Year Undergraduate Program (FYUP) under NEP introduced by Nagaland University.

The program was chaired by Ningshijungla Longchar, Asso. Prof., and Covenor of the Parent-Teacher Assoction of DGC.  Prof. Sanjay Sharma, Principal, DGC delivered the welcome address and gave a brief overview about the FYUP where he cleared certain misconceptions surrounding the new programme. He stated that one should not be intimidated by the term ‘Four-Year’ because it is a flexible system with various entry and exit points. He also highlighted the various facilities offered by the college apart from academics, in the form of extra & co-curricular activities and skill enhancement programs which aims to provide a holistic education for the students.

Kezhaleu Hesso, Vice-Principal, DGC briefed the gathering on the various courses offered by the college which included Major, Minor, Multidisciplinary, AEC, SEC and Value-Added courses. Stating that the university prescribes continuous assessment, she talked about the guidelines for examination and assessment which included question pattern, mark weightage and internal/external assessment marking. She further informed that students were required to secure high class attendance and wear full uniforms.

On behalf of the IQAC, Sedevino Jakhalu, Asso. Prof, explained in brief about NAAC and IQAC and how a consciousness of quality has propelled the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions in India. Stating that DGC has successfully undergone two NAAC cycles, she appealed to the parents to continue extending their support because NAAC takes all aspects of the college during assessment.

PTA representative Lithrese Louis spoke from the perspective of the parents and how employability of their wards was their main priority even as they expect their wards to emerge as well-rounded individuals when they finish college. He expressed happiness on the introduction of vocational skill trainings in the college while cautioning that DGC should not become an ‘activity college’. He further requested that there should be no unauthorised off-periods and that activities should be held during off periods or during holidays.

This was followed by a time of feedback and sharing where the parents/guardians suggested that the college should organise Graduation Day, which was accepted by the college authority. They expressed their willingness to contribute graduation gowns. This suggestion was accepted by all parents present. Another parent suggested that a one day seminar on mental health should be organised by the college. The competent authority highlighted the steps taken by the college on this issue including the formation of a new committee to tackle this growing concern among young people. Concerns were raised about insufficient fans and uncomfortable benches in the classrooms. The authority explained that the college was initially built for a few students but now the numbers have increased and hence requested the parents to help in pressurising the government to provide funds for infrastructural development to accommodate the growing needs. Issues like availability of textbooks, notifications for exams, calendar of events, student friendly routines were deliberated upon. Students were urged not to depend on notes from teachers but to avail of the resources in the library and to self study taking into consideration that they were now college students.  Finally, the authority was requested to look into the needs of non-teaching staff, to keep a record of the parents’ contact numbers and to deliberate on the issues discussed during the meet in the college faculty meetings.

The session ended with a vote of thanks from Biswajit Sarkar, Asso. Prof., DGC, who requested the parents to keep supporting the college and maintain a strong parent-teacher bond.


Convenor, Parent -Teacher Association

Dimapur Govt. College

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