Dimapur Government College

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Extension Activity of Department of English Dimapur Government College, 2nd of May 2022

Faculty members of the Department of English, Dimapur Government College (DGC) led by its Head, A. Sentiyula, along with 35 students of DGC visited Neighbourhood Children’s Home, a home for underprivileged children in Dimapur, and donated a sum of money  on the 2nd of May 2022. The students had an interactive session with the children: they taught them a phonic song and also some basic grammar skills. The activities with the students and the donation  fall under the“Learning Outreach and Welfare Initiative” of the department.

Neighbourhood Children’s Home is an initiative of the International Neighbourhood Service based in Dimapur. This visit falls under extension activities carried out by the department of English, DGC, and is a continuation of support rendered to the orphanage.



(SHANYE THONG)                                                                                              ( A. SENTIYULA)

Project Manager                                                                         Asstt. Professor & Head of Department

Neighbourhood Children’s Home                                                            Department of English

Neighbourhood Church Compound                                                      Dimapur Government College

Midland, Dimapur: 797112                                                                     Dimapur: 797112

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