Annual Report 2023-2024
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Committee at DGC, since it’s inception, work towards maintaining and procuring the products that store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form such as projectors, microphones, computers, laptops, smartphones, digital smart board,audio system, etc., The committee has been actively providing assistance in terms of arrangements of digital equipment during all programs in college.
Various activities undertaken by the Committee during the period of June 2023 to May 2024 are mentioned below:
- During the current year, six projectors were purchase and installed in five class rooms and one in auditorium.
- One Smart TV was also installed in the Seminar Room.
- Three wi-fi connections were also installed in Teachers common room (arts block), Computer lab and IQAC office, respectively during the current period.
- The college has its own twitter, instagram and face book accounts and the college website for media.
- There are also various whatsapp groups operating for disseminating information such as DGC official group, DGC family and all other respective committees of the college. All together there are 20 (CCTVs) surveillance in the campus (both in office and in some classrooms).

(Zanthungo Ngullie)
ICT Committee, DGC