Dimapur Government College

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National Webinar on “Post Covid-19 International System: Cooperation or Conflict” held on 27th October, 2021

The department of Political Science, Dimapur Govt. College, in collaboration with IQAC & Research Committee of DGC organised a national webinar on 27th October, 2021 at 3:30 PM through  Google meet platform. Ms. Sedevinuo, Associate Professor was the chairperson.  Ms. Khreinuo Angami , Associate Professor, HoD of Political Science delivered the  welcome address and   Dr. G Ram Reddy, Professor, department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad was the resource person. He spoke on the topic “Post Covid-19 International System: Co-operation or Conflict.”  There were 91 participants from across the states of India. Ms. Vivi Swu, Asst. Professor, department of History, proposed the vote of thanks.


Ms. BokaIi  Kibami,
Asst. Professor,
Dept of Political Science, DGC

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