Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

Report on “Mentoring Programme on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation” organised by the IQAC, Dimapur Government College, at Salt Christian College and City College of Arts and Commerce Dimapur on 31March 2022.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Dimapur Government College (DGC), organised a one-day mentoring programme on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation at Salt Christian College and City College of Arts and Commerce, Dimapur on 31 March 2022. Dr M. Libanthung Ngullie, Principal, Dimapur Government College, and Chairperson of the IQAC, along with other members of the IQAC, including Dr Vinyuhu Lhoungu (Coordinator), Dr Maongkala Longchar, Dr Hare Krushna Parhi and Ms. Herali Achumi (Secretary),visited both the mentee colleges to enquire about their state of preparedness for NAAC Assessment.

During the meeting Dr Vinyuhu Lhoungu, delivered the introductory remarks; he impressed on the mentee colleges to explore all guidelines under NAAC to learn how to embark on and tackle the challenges of accreditation.He made enquiries on the set up of the IQAC and the committees under the Cell for both Colleges. Dr. Lhoungu encouraged the faculty to take up research activities and to attempt publication of papers in journals under the UGC CARE List.

The Principal, DGC, highlighted the need for NAAC assessment and accreditation as an important milestone to bring the collegeson par with other institutions at the national level.He gave a step-by-step guide on how to get an institution accredited under NAAC, after registration on its portal. The processes for submissions of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR), Self Study Report (SSR) and the subsequent Data Validation and Verification (DVV) process were elucidated him. The quality initiative of being successfully accredited by NAAC would enhance the credentials of the institutions.

Comprehensive interactions were held with the Principal, Management and faculty of both colleges. During the interactions, several suggestions and inputs were shared with the members of both colleges on how to prepare for NAAC Assessment.

The most significant recommendations from the mentor college included:

  1. To seek immediate registration in the NAAC portal.
  2. To prepare for writing the AQAR.
  3. Proper documentation of all relevant activities with signatures and dates.
  4. Maintaining records with photographic evidence through geo tagging.
  5. Stakeholders such as parents and alumni to be brought on board; Parent Teacher Association and the Alumni Association would be key bodies to add value to the colleges.
  6. The Alumni Association to be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
  7. To encourage a vibrant students’ body and orient them on the process of NAAC accreditation.
  8. To carry out the Students’ Satisfaction Survey (SSS) and publish its findings in a timely manner.
  9. Signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) on judicial stamp papers for meaningful collaborations with NGOs and other institutions.
  10. To keep the college website updated.
  11. Maintaining databases for faculty and students.
  12. Focus on research activities – bring out a journal with an ISSN number.

The members of both colleges raised several queries and also highlighted the problems and challenges they were facing. In conclusion, the Principal and the DGC IQAC team extended full assurances of support whenever the need would arise in the future in the colleges.Contact details were exchanged with members of both colleges by the DGC IQAC contingent for further communication. The mentoring sessions ended with lunch at the City College of Arts and Commerce.



Herali Achumi

Secretary, IQAC

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