Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

Socio Dept Activity Report 2022

Theme: Highlighting social issues through poster and short play


The department of sociology organised a poster campaign cum short play on 26TH April 2022 where students of BA 6th semester staged a short play and highlighted various social issues and challenges using poster slogans and placards. Some of the themes highlighted were violence against women, tribalism, alcohol abuse, misuse of social media, impact of western culture, importance of sanitation, taxation problem.  The main objective of the activity was to create awareness about social issues and also to encourage students to positively and creatively involve in bringing changes in society. The Best act was selected and a prize was given to the winning group followed by light refreshment for all. The program was attended by 80 students and four faculty members of the department.






Recorder: Sashirenla ozukum                                                                                      Lhipe Naro

                    Assistant professor                                                                                     HOD& Assistant professor

                    Department of sociology                                                                          Department of sociology

countersigned copy socio dept activity report 2022


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