Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

IQAC Meeting Minutes 2019 – 2020

1-IQAC Meeting Minutes 20-08-2019 2-IQAC Meeting Minutes 26_08_2019 3-IQAC Meeting Minutes 07_09_2019 4-IQAC Meeting Minutes 27_11_2019 5-IQAC Meeting Minutes 18_01_2020 6- Emergency IQAC Meeting Minutes 18_2_2020 7-IQAC Meeting Minutes_11-3- 2020 8-Joint Meeting of IQAC, HoDs, SAC and ICT on 09/06/2020  

IQAC Meeting Minutes 2020 – 2021

1 – IQAC Meeting Minutes_8_7_2020 2 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 16_9_2020 3 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 25_9_2020 4 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 17_11_2020 5 – IQAC Meeting Minutes-01_03_2021 6 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 18-3-2021 7 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 22-3-2021 8 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 6_4_2021 9 – IQAC Meeting Minutes 13_4_2021 2021 IQAC 10 […]

Panel Discussion on “Women Reservation in Urban Local Bodies: Issues and Challenges in Nagaland” held in Dimapur Government College on 29.4.2022

 A panel discussion on the topic “Women Reservation in Urban Local Bodies: Issues and Challenges in Nagaland” was held in Dimapur Government College on 29.04.2022. It was organised by the department of History and the department of Political Science in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) DGC. The keynote address was given by Shri. […]

Department of English, DGC holds Graduating Students Interactive Program (GSIP) cum Annual Department Farewell on 5th May, 2022 in DGC

The department of English, Dimapur Government College organised Graduating Students Interactive Programme (GSIP) & Annual Department Farewell with the outgoing (BA 6th Sem) English Honours Students on 5th of May 2022 at 12:00 noon in Room No. 3 (Arts Block). The programme, which consisted of motivational talk and interaction, was chaired by Dr. Maongkala Longchar, […]

Extension Activity of Department of English Dimapur Government College, 2nd of May 2022

Faculty members of the Department of English, Dimapur Government College (DGC) led by its Head, A. Sentiyula, along with 35 students of DGC visited Neighbourhood Children’s Home, a home for underprivileged children in Dimapur, and donated a sum of money  on the 2nd of May 2022. The students had an interactive session with the children: […]