Dimapur Government College

Try Trust Truimph

MoU Signed between DGC and City College of Arts and Commerce, Dimapur on 30.5.2022

As part of “Academic Collaboration”, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Dimapur Govt. College, Dimapur and City College of Arts and Commerce, Dimapur on 30th May 2022 at Dimapur Govt. College for a period of two (2) years, which is subject to renewal and extension, having agreed to jointly organize symposia, conferences, short […]

MoU signed between DGC and Unity College on 26th May 2022

As part of “Institutional Collaboration”, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Dimapur Govt. College, Dimapur and Unity College, Dimapur on 26th May 2022 at Dimapur Govt. College for a period of three (3) years and is subject to renewal and extension. This MoU agrees to jointly participate in programs relating to respective college […]

The Department of Education Motivational Talk GPS Senjem

The Department of Education ,Dimapur Govt .College undertook a Motivational Programme for Stakeholders consisting of Teachers ,Parents and School Management Committee of Government Primary School ,Senjem, Dimapur in collaboration with IQAC, Dimapur Govt. College, on 13th May 2022 at 10 a.m . The HOD Department of Education along with three Associate Professors and one Assistant […]


The department of Education undertook an Educational Tour for the Honours Students To Plain Karbi Mission English School, Pokaigaon, Assam on 27th April 2022. The tour was based on the theme “Discovering New Insights Through Practice” keeping in mind the opportunities for the students to explore and experience practically what they have learned in the […]

13.5.2022 Basic training on Library Management

A one day Basic Training on Library Management was held on the 13th May 2022 at Dimapur Government College. The event was conducted under the Staff Development Programme initiative. The programme was jointly organized by the IQAC and Library Advisory Committee of the institute.          A total of 17 participants from various colleges and higher […]

Graduating Students Interactive Programme 2022

The department of economics conducted a Graduating Students Interactive Programme (GSIP) on 5th May, 2022 in Room No 22 at 12:00 noon, Dimapur Government College, Dimapur. Ms. Pudezono Tase, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, DGC chaired the programme. The speakers of the programme were Dr. Vitsosie Vüprü, Dr. Vinyühu Lhoungu and Dr. Yelhi Vero. Dr. […]

Report on Study Tour 2022

The department of economics, Dimapur Government College (DGC) organised study tour for the students of BA 6th semester (Economics) on 20th April, 2022 Mini hydro project Dzülekie and Sheep farm Poilwa under the theme “Economy of Rural farming”.    The study tour explored the farming patter of Sheep farming. It is also learnt that the […]